640x2336 - This template come with all the weekly pages (monday, tuesday, wednesday, thursday, friday, saturday and sunday)!
Original Resolution: 640x2336 Notion The All In One Workspace For Your Notes Tasks Wikis And Databases In 2020 Notions Productivity Bullet Journal Inspiration Notion is one of the fastest growing productivity apps to ever launch. 1920x715 - On notion, it is much more powerful and much easier to automate things but by translating the bullet journal idea so literally you lose all that functionality.
Original Resolution: 1920x715 Day To Day Routine And Diary Template Notion 10 public notion templates you can magically copy. 1110x598 - Notion is an incredibly flexible productivity app and our app of choice to organize our work here at keep productive, however, it can be a bit tricky to get started when you have a blank page in front of you.
Original Resolution: 1110x598 3 Notion Templates I Love To Use Every Day Groovy Wink The hardest part is getting started. 1000x668 - This template helps me make big decisions in my life, serving as a forcing function to weigh the pros and cons, conduct an emotional audit about my choices, and answer key questions.
Original Resolution: 1000x668 10 Best Notion Templates To Use Keep Productive 11 notion templates to supercharge your productivity. 1000x640 - After your purchase you will get all the pdf editions and a link to duplicate te page inside your own notion account!
Original Resolution: 1000x640 10 Best Notion Templates To Use Keep Productive For those looking to understand notion system building better or simply to find workspace inspiration, this video may help.